License: CC0 1.0 Universal
All sounds you find here are either recorded or created by myself from scratch. You have my full permission to download and use these in private, educational and/or commercial projects. All I ask you is to not redistribute these as your own.
Most of these sounds were recorded either due to short-term necessity (needed a specific sound for this or that), or were purely opportunistic ("hey do that again, that sounds weird"). There's usually little to no context or preparation for these recordings, so the quality and usefulness may vary drastically. Regardless, they might be useful to someone, so why not just post them here!
Happy designing!
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: None
A nice & sunny recording session at the DUS Airport! Positioned right at the flight path of departing planes, this served as a test recording for the Tascam DR-40X. At some point during the session I decided to point the recorder straight up, instead of towards the planes themselves, creating a nice stereo "pass-by" effect.
The bonus sound was completely unexpected, but came out pretty good!
Recorded with: Reaper, using an MXL 2006 mic
Sample/bits: 44100Hz/24
Processing: None
I was working on sounds for some carton snippet, when it occurred to me that I absolutely needed that one sound from the Spongebob Squarepants cartoon, the one used when he blinks his eyes in certain situations. I figured out it's just a mouth sound, so I decided to make a bunch of them in a single sitting. Some of them came out very similar, while others... not so much. But they're still useful! Place these in sequence, speed them up & you have a nice, cartoon-y running sound!
Recorded with: Reaper, using an MXL 2006 mic
Sample/bits: 44100Hz/24
Processing: ReaFIR for de-noising, ReaEQ for HPF
I was working on an animation when I needed some semi-heavy metal jingling & moving in a bag. This came out of that necessity. A bit lighter than what I wanted, but it was easy to process it into something useful for that particular scenario.
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: None
The electric blinds in my bedroom. Heard it a bunch of times (usually super tired before going/getting out of bed), always thought that I just had to record it someday. Well here it is, old & crackly. Can sound pretty spooky with some light processing!
Recorded with: Reaper
Sample/bits: 44100Hz/16
Processing: Pink noise generator, ReaEQ bandpass, ReaVerbate for reverb
I was using a bunch of noise-based transition sounds for some trailers, so I thought I should do some of my own. I've no clue where the project for this is, but it was a fairly simple "under 1 hour" work kinda thing and super easily recreatable. Pink noise, automated tremolo & EQ, reverb, done.
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: ReaFIR for de-noising
I've used this screwdriver plenty of times, and I always enjoyed the sound it makes when I shook it around, mostly because it just reminded me of some vintage cartoon skeleton rattling their bones. I finally forced myself into the quietest room, pressed record and rattled away. Holding it in 3 different positions at different burst-lengths, the proximity effect really helped with some of these! Version 3 is my favorite.
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: ReaFIR for de-noising & HPF
This was a spur-of-the-moment kinda thing: "hey that sounds nice, can you do that again, but without breathing?". Just some small bubbles being blown with a straw into an almost empty large mug.
Recorded with: Reaper, using a Behringer Crave
Sample/bits: 44100Hz/24
Processing: ReaEQ for EQing, Soundtoys' Little PrimalTap for reverb/delay
After falling in love with Moon Echo Audio's Vintage Anime SFX library, I felt compelled to create something vintage myself. Easiest thing I could think of was taking my Crave, record a bunch of pews and zaps, throw them through a decent vintage-sounding delay plugin, and done!
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: ReaFIR for de-noising
New apartment location had some interesting-sounding firework ambience during new years, so I set out to record it. Unfortunately I missed most of the good stuff, but I polished the decent stuff I got. Works quite well as IR for reverbs! There's the raw and the de-noised version, both giving wildly different results.
Recorded with: Reaper
Sample/bits: 48000Hz/24
Processing: Soundtoys' Little AlterBoy for noise generation, Xfer Records' OTT for extreme compression, Native Instruments' Phasis for added weirdness
So it turns out if you follow up Little AlterBoy with a bunch of OTT instances, you can hear some interesting sounds when moving around the Mix & Drive knobs. So I automated both of those, made a nice process chain, and this is the result!
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: Bertom's Denoiser for de-noising, ReaFIR and ReaEQ for EQing
Very active and bird-filled ambience at the nearby forest this morning, so I decided to point my recorder at it and see what comes out. The fairly close-by woodpecker is a nice addition as well! It was a slightly windy session, and the forest is located at the outskirts of a huge city, so there is a certain amount of noise embedded here.
Recorded with: Tascam DR-40X, using Rode NT5
Sample/bits: 96000Hz/24
Processing: None
Had a weather warning, seemed like the perfect opportunity to test out the new NT5 pair! I'm happy with the results, although it's ultimately impossible to clean up the noise-like rain from the recordings without destroying the detail on the thunderclaps. The birds had a say too, which didn't help. But other than that, I'm quite happy with some of these!